2IIM's Mock CAT Series | CAT 2020

Test with the Best

Purchase 2IIM's Mock CAT Series

The most representative Mock test series for CAT!

2IIM Mock CAT Series

Don't believe we are as good as we claim??    

TAKE A FREE MOCK CAT Take a free mock CAT to see for yourself!
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2.Access Green/Comprehensive Course.
3.Click on the Course "2IIM Mock CAT Test Series"
4.Click on the first Mock and start.

Why 2IIM's Mock CATs ?

Our Mocks are Robust in every possible way. Here's why...

Relevance and Difficulty

We at 2IIM believe that the tests have to be representative. So, we worry about each question that goes into our mocks. Almost every single question that features in our mock CAT series falls within the range of difficulty seen in CAT.

Incisive Analysis

Our analyses are relevant and razor-sharp. We don't believe in glutting a student with a deluge of data. We really want to make sure that you leave enriched with the knowledge of where you stand after the Mock. Hence, we keep it clean and simple.

Detailed Explanations

An important feature in our series is the attention we pay to the explanations. We provide solutions with extraordinary detail in a bid to get students ready for the real exam. To get an idea of how we provide the solutions feel free to visit our Youtube channels.

CAT Topical Test Series

400+ CAT-Level questions in the form of a topical test series. Take tests topic by topic, learn to solve the questions through our detailed solutions, and review your performance through our powerful analytics.

Student Reviews on our Mock CATs

  • 2IIM’s online product is just a brilliant option because it just feels like one on one class with Rajesh.

    From solved questions to detailed concepts everything is covered in online version of the product. For someone who is unable to attend classes regularly that is just a life saver. Having taken mocks from 3 other vendors, I can proudly say that even 2IIM mocks were the one closest to Actual CAT.

  • The mock tests given were too good and most importantly the analysis given as how one should have attended such a paper was excellent. In my opinion, CAT is more a test of one's confidence and consistency than just his skills. After each weekend I could feel my confidence go up after attending the class.

    Rajesh Dhandapani Admit to IIM Bangalore

Why you should try 2IIM's Online CAT Preparation?


The Online CAT Coaching course is lighter than the average youtube video. Prepare for the CAT no matter where you are, whether you're waiting to catch a bus or trying to stay awake during an unpleasant office meeting.


Earlybird or night-owl, there's no doubt each person has a preferred time of day to study. The Online CAT Coaching course is accessible 24 hours a day, everyday. Prepare according to your schedule; don't wait on your coaching centers'.

At Your Pace

A typical class that runs for 2.5 hours can be finished in 45 minutes or go on for 4.5 hours, depending on the pace that you set. You can review all videos as many times as you need to truly lay a solid foundation.

I have seen enough...    

CAT Online Coaching